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Being an entrepreneur

Entrepreneurs like myself are self-made, – I wasn’t handed a ready business or a fund of resources; I took my idea and the talent and passion that I had – and decided to build something with my bare hands. It takes a divergent mix of confidence, risk, tolerance, self-discipline, determination, and competitiveness to start a business and see it through to success.

There are only three things you need to start a business, a small amount of capital, a strong work ethic, and persistence. Even if it does cost money, the most valuable ingredient you need is a serious dose of self-confidence and a brave, never-say-die attitude. 

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Peggy’s STORY

SADONI bride of September 2019

The loveliest REAL bride 🕊️ Peggy in our flowing silk dress MAGNOLIA, shared a little anecdote from her wedding at the end of the wedding party. “On our way to bed a family member said I would probably be happy to get out of my dress because it would be uncomfortable after the long day.. My answer was: What? Do you mean THIS dress? “laughing” It’s light like a feather! I could wear it forever!

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